tisdag 18 november 2008

Lorelai Gilmore x 2

Rory: You look happy.
Lorelai: Yeah.
Rory: [suspiciously] Did you do something slutty?
Lorelai: I'm not that happy.
(från "Pilot", första säsongen av "Gilmore Girls")

Rory: [about going to Chilton] Do you really think I can do this?
Lorelai: I bet you a dollar.
Rory: That's it? That's all my future is worth? 1 dollar?
Lorelai: Well you did get a "D".
(från "The Deer Hunter", första säsongen av "Gilmore Girls")

Rory: Should I put your name on Grandma’s present?
Lorelai: Yes. Sign it “the innkeeper formerly known as her daughter”.
(från "Forgiveness and Stuff", första säsongen av "Gilmore Girls")

Rory: Buttercup is a special dog. She's extremely skiddish and tends to react badly towards blonde haired females, brunette males, children of either sex, other animals, red clothing, cabbage or anyone in a uniform.
(Luke walks up to them.)
Lorelai: (to Luke) Hey, we just found the doggy version of you.
(från "Paris is Burning", första säsongen av "Gilmore Girls")

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