söndag 11 januari 2009

Favoritcitat: Buffy, Season 2 - Spike

Spike: You think you can fool me? You were my sire, man. You were my... Yoda.
Angel: Things change.

[To the Anointed One]
Spike: You've got Slayer problems. That's a bad piece of luck. Do you know what I find works real good with Slayers? Killing them.

[After watching Buffy slay a vampire, Spike comes out of the shadows, slowly clapping his hands]
Spike: Nice work, love.

Buffy: You shouldn't have come here.
Spike: No. I messed up your doilies and stuff. But I just got so bored.
(ur "School Hard", S02E03)

Dalton: [attempting to translate a manuscript] I'm not sure. It could be, "Deprimere ille bubula linter."
Spike: [reading] "Debase the beef... canoe". Why does that strike me as not right?
(ur ”What’s My Line? Part I”, S02E09)

Spike: Are we feeling better, then?
Drusilla: I'm naming all the stars.
Spike: You can't see the stars, love. That's the ceiling. Also it's day.

[About Buffy]
Spike: She'd better not get in our way.
Angelus: Don't worry about it.
Spike: I do.
(båda ur "Innocence”, S02E14)

[Angelus have killed Jenny and left her in Giles's bed]
Spike: Are you insane? We're supposed to kill the bitch, not leave gag gifts in her friends' beds.
Drusilla: But, Spike, the bad teacher was going to restore Angel's soul.
Spike: What if she did? If you ask me, I find myself preferring the old Buffy-whipped Angelus. This new, improved one is not playing with a full sack. I love a good slaughter as much as the next bloke, but his little pranks will only leave us with one incredibly brassed-off Slayer.
Angelus: Don't worry, roller boy. I've got everything under control.
[a Molotov cocktail smashes on the table, setting the place afire]
(ur “Passion”, S02E17)

Spike: [seeing Angel's new lair] It's paradise. Big windows, lovely gardens, it'll be perfect when we want the sunlight to kill us.
(ur “I Only Have Eyes For You”, S02E19)

Joyce: Have we met?
Spike: Uh, you hit me with an axe one time. Remember, uh, "Get the hell away from my daughter"?

Spike: [to Buffy] Dru bagged a slayer? S-She didn't tell me. Hey, good for her!
[at Buffy's look]
Spike: Though not from your perspective, I suppose.
(båda ur “Becoming Part II”, S02E22)

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