måndag 2 februari 2009

Favoritcitat; Buffy S04E08-S04E09

(Hjälp: I det här avsnittet så har revanschsugna indianandar uppstigit på Thanksgiving för att hämnas sina förfäder som pilgrimerna slaktade. Spike kan inte längre bita människor och lider av matthet, så pass att han vänder sig till de enda som han tror kan hjälpa honom - hans fiender.)

[Spike asks Buffy to invite him into Giles' house to get out of the sunlight]
Spike: Come on. I-I'm parboiling out here.
Buffy: [Giles hands Buffy a stake] Want me to make it quicker?
Spike: [pitifully] Invite me in!
Buffy: No.
Giles: Fairly unlikely.
Spike: [Spike tries running in and is knocked back] Oh, damn it! Look, I'm safe. I can't bite anyone. Willow, tell 'em what I did.
Willow: Y-You said you were gonna kill me, then Buffy.
Spike: Yes, bad, but let's skip that part and get to the part where I couldn't bite you.
Willow: It's true. He had trouble performing.

[to Willow about the Indian warrior spirit]
Buffy: But even though it's hard, we have to end this. Yes, he's been wronged, and I personally would be ready to apologize, but...
Spike: Oh, someone put a stake in me.
Xander: You got a lot of volunteers in here.
Spike: I just can't take all this mamby-pamby boo-hooing about the bloody Indians.
Willow: Uh, the preferred term is...
Spike: You won. All right? You came in and you killed them and you took their land. That's what conquering nations do. It's what Caesar did, and he's not goin' around saying, "I came, I conquered, I felt really bad about it." The history of the world is not people making friends. You had better weapons, and you massacred them. End of story.

[The Ghost Indian transforms into a large bear while fighting Buffy]
Spike: A bear! You made a bear!
Buffy: I didn't mean to.
Spike: Undo it! Undo it!
(från "Pangs", S04E08)

(Hjälp: Willow försöker att glömma Oz och har därför uttalat en besvärjelse som ska göra att allt hon säger händer. Hon tror att den inte fungerar, men efter att Spike har rymt från Giles - vilket får Buffy att överge Willow och deras tjejkväll för att fånga honom - så muttrar hon att Buffy lika gärna kan gifta sig med honom... och inom några ögonblick så står Spike på knä och friar till sin dödsfiende, som nu tror att Spike är mannen i hennes liv. Giles, som har blivit blind tack vare Willow, och Xander tror att Buffy har blivit galen.)

[Before Willow's spell]

Spike: [chained to Giles' bath] Passions is on! Timmy's down the bloody well, and if you make me miss it, I'll...
Giles: You'll do what? Lick me to death?

Giles: Look, Spike - we have no intention of killing a harmless... uh, creature... we have to know what's been done to you. We can't let you go until we're sure that you're... impotent...
Spike: Hey!
Giles: Sorry, poor choice of words. Until we're sure you're, you're...
Buffy: Flaccid?
Spike: You are one step away, missy -
Buffy: [sarcastically] Giles, help! He's going to scold me.

Buffy: Oh, look at my poor neck... all bare and tender and exposed. All that blood, just pumping away.
Giles: Oh, please.
Spike: Giles, make her stop.
Giles: If those two don't kill each other, I might lend a hand.

[after Willow's spell]

Buffy: Spike and I are getting married!
Xander: How? What? How?
Giles: Three excellent questions.
Spike: [to Buffy] What are you looking at?
Buffy: The man I love.
[She and Spike kiss, long and salaciously. Xander and Anya avert their eyes.]
Xander: Can I be blind too?

Buffy: I probably only escaped [the spell] because I'm the Slayer. Some kind of natural immunity.
Xander: Yeah, right, you're marrying Spike because you're so right for each other.

Buffy: Honey, we need to talk about the invitations. Now do you wanna be William the Bloody or just Spike? Cuz either way it's gonna look majorly weird.
Spike: Where as the name Buffy gives it that touch of classic elegance.
Buffy: What's wrong with Buffy?
Giles: Oh, such a good question.
(från "Something Blue", S04E09)

1 kommentar:

T. sa...

Jag måste bara tacka dig så jätte jätte mycket. Du har absolut fått med de bästa buffy citaten. Tack, underbart roligt att läsa!