torsdag 5 februari 2009

Favoritcitat: Buffy S05E18 & S05E22

"Intervention" (S05E18) är avsnittet då Buffy tvivlar på om hon klarar av uppdraget som the Slayer och åker iväg för att finna sin inre styrka igen. Under tiden som hon är borta så får Spike sin beställda present, en robot som ser ut exakt som Buffy, pratar som Buffy och är programmerad att fungera som Buffy - förutom på ett plan. Roboten är programmerad att älska Spike - och att ha hett sex med honom. Under en patrullering så stöter Xander och Anya på Buffy Bot och misstar henne för den riktiga varan. De blir förskräckta när de senare får se henne och Spike i en väldigt... intim situation. Gänget beslutar sig för att prata förstånd med Buffy, lagom till orginalet anländer hem och ger sig ut, arg, för att sätta Spike på plats. Enda problemet: Spike har blivit kidnappad av Glory.

Buffy: I can beat up the demons until the cows come home... and then I can beat up the cows...

[in the midst of conversation with Willow]
Buffy Bot: You're recently gay.

Buffy Bot: Spike! It's Spike. And he's wearing a coat.

Willow: Okay, yeah, you've been with a vampire before, but Angel had a soul.
Buffy Bot: Angel's lame. His hair grows straight up, and he's bloody stupid.

Willow: This shouldn't be about blame.
Buffy: Blame? There's blame now?
Willow: No, there's only love. And some fear.
Anya: Which is kind of thrown by the you-having-sex-with-Spike.
Buffy: The who-whatting-how-with-huh?
Anya: OK, that's denial. That usually comes before anger.
Buffy: I am not having sex with Spike!
Anya: Anger.

Xander: No one is judging you. It's understandable. Spike is strong and mysterious and sort of compact but well-muscled...
Buffy: I am not having sex with Spike, but I'm starting to think that you might be.

[Buffy runs into the gang with the Buffy Bot]
Xander: Hey, I know this. They're both Buffy.
Buffy: No. She's a robot. She acts just like that girlfriend-bot that Warren guy made. You guys couldn't tell me apart from a robot?

Xander: Spike must have had her built so he could program her to -
Buffy: [horrified] Oh, God.
Willow: Yikes. Imagine the things -
Buffy: No! No imagining, any of you!
Xander: Already got the visual.

Giles: Quite extraordinary, really.
Buffy Bot: Thank you. But I really think we should be listening to the other Buffy, Guiles. She's very smart and she's gonna help us save Spike.
Giles: "Guiles?!" [turns to address the real Buffy] Spike didn't even bother to program my name properly!
Buffy: [to the Buffy Bot] Listen, skirt girl, we're not going to save him. We're going to kill him. He knows who the Key is, and there's no way he's not telling Glory.
Buffy Bot: You're right. He's evil. But you should see him naked! I mean really!

Buffy: [impersonating the Buffybot] Spike, you're covered in sexy wounds!

[Buffy is pretending to be the Buffy Bot]
Buffy: Why did you let that Glory hurt you?
Spike: She wanted to know who the key was.
Buffy: Oh, well, I can tell her, and then you won't...
Spike: No! You can't ever. Glory never finds out.
Buffy: Why?
Spike: 'Cause Buffy - the other, not so pleasant Buffy - anything happened to Dawn, it'd destroy her. I couldn't live, her bein' in that much pain. Let Glory kill me first. Nearly bloody did.

Sedan så har vi ju "The Gift" (S05E22) avsnittet då vännerna än en gång ska rädda världen. Glory har kidnappat Dawn för att använda hennes magiska blod för att öppna en portal till helvetesdimensionen som Glory förut härskade över. Detta kommer att leda till att alla varelser i andra dimensioner skulle få tillgång till denna utväg och mänskligheten skulle få det riktigt tufft. Om ritualen påbörjas så kan den endast stoppas genom att döda Dawn, vilket Buffy vägrar göra. Gänget slåss mot Glory och hennes tjänare, men lyckas inte stoppa ritualen. Buffy offrar sitt liv för mänskligheten för att stänga portalen (då hon och Dawn är syskon och har samma blod).

[to a vampire in an alley]
Buffy: You ever heard the expression, "biting off more than you can chew?"
[he shakes his head]
Buffy: Okay. Um, how 'bout the expression, "Vampire Slayer?"
Vampire: What the hell you talkin' about?
Buffy: Wow, never heard that one. Okay, how about, "Oh, God, my leg, my leg?"
[he attacks her and she breaks his leg]
Vampire: Oh, God, my leg!
Buffy: See, now we're communicating.

Buffy: This is how many apocalypses for us now?
Giles: Oh, uh, well, six at least. Feels like a hundred.
Buffy: I've always stopped them. Always won.
Giles: Yes.
Buffy: I sacrificed Angel to save the world. I loved him so much. But I knew, what was right. I don't have that anymore. I don't understand. I don't know how to live in this world, if these are the choices. If everything just gets stripped away. I don't see the point. I just wish that- I just wish my mom was here.

Xander: Hey, I happen to be...
Spike: A glorified bricklayer?
Xander: I'm also a swell bowler.
Anya: Has his own shoes.
Spike: The gods themselves do tremble.

Glory: You lost your hammer, sweet cheeks. What're you gonna hit me with now?
[Xander smashes Glory with a wrecking ball.]
Buffy: Whatever's handy.
Xander: The glorified bricklayer picks up a spare.

Buffy: We're not all gonna make it. You know that.
Spike: Yeah. Hey, always knew I'd go down fightin'.
Buffy: I'm counting on you... to protect her.
Spike: Till the end of the world. Even if that happens to be tonight.

Spike: I know you'll never love me.
[Buffy turns to look at him]
Spike: I know that I'm a monster, but you treat me like a man, and that's... Get your stuff, I'll be here.

Anya: It's an omen! It's a higher power trying to tell me through bunnies that we're all gonna die! Oh god!

Buffy: Dawn, listen to me. listen. I love you. I will always love you. But this is the work that I have to do. Tell Giles... tell Giles I figured it out. And, and I'm okay. And give my love to my friends. You have to take care of them now. You have to be strong. Dawn, the hardest thing in this world... it to live in it. Be brave. Live. For me.


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