lördag 28 februari 2009

Favoritcitat: Buffy S07E01-S07E05

Buffy: Doesn't matter how well prepped you are or how well armed you are. You're a little girl.
Dawn: Woman.
Buffy: Little woman.
Dawn: I'm taller than you.

[To Giles]
Willow: When you brought me here, I thought it was to kill me or to lock me in some mystical dungeon for all eternity or... with the torture. Instead, you go all Dumbledore on me.
(från "Lessons", S07E01)

Anya: Hands off the merchandise, Spike. You don't get to go there again.
Spike: Please, I've already forgotten about our little time together.
Nancy: I thought you were Xander's ex-girlfriend.
Anya: I am.
Nancy: But you and Spike...
Anya: Had a thing.
Spike: Didn't last.
Nancy: But weren't you Buffy’s...
Spike: Briefly.
Buffy: Never serious.
Nancy: Is there anyone here that hasn't slept together

Spike: I tried to find it of course.
Buffy: Find what?
Spike: The spark. The missing - the piece, that fit. That made me fit because you didn't want- I can't. Not with you looking. [goes away] I dreamed of killing you. I think they were dreams. So weak. Did you make me weak? Thinking of you? Hauling myself, and spilling useless buckets of salt over your- ending. Angel, he should've warned me. Makes a good show of forgetting, but, it's here. In me. All the time. The spark. I wanted to give you what you deserve. And I got it. They put the spark in me and now all it does is burn.
Buffy: Your soul.
Spike: Bit worse for lack of use.

Dawn: You guys really need to ease up with the whole dating demons thing.
Buffy: Uh, hello. I'm sorry, wasn't that you having the smooch-a-thon with teen vampire last Halloween?

Buffy: Spike, have you completely lost your mind?
Spike: Well, yes. Where have you been all night?
(från “Beneath You” S07E02)

[following Spike who's tracking blood]
Xander: We should've put a leash on him.
Buffy: Yes, let's tie ourselves to the crazy vampire.

[about Xander]
Spike: I'm insane. What's his excuse?
(från “Same Time, Same Place” S07E03)

Xander: "From beneath you, it devours." It's not the friendliest jingle, is it?

Buffy: Buffy the Vampire Slayer would break down this door.
Xander: And Buffy the Counselor?
Buffy: Waits.
(från “Help”, S07E04)

[Willow summons a demon]
D'Hoffryn: Behold D'Hoffryn, Lord of Arashmaha, he that turns the air to blood and reigns te- Miss Rosenberg. How lovely to see you again. Have you done something with your hair?

[Anya, before she became a demon and lived among the Vikings]
Anya: I don't talk to people much. I mean, I talk to them, but they don't talk to me, except to say that, "your questions are irksome," and, "perhaps you should take your furs and your literal interpretations to the other side of the river."

[To Willow]
D'Hoffryn: The flaying of Warren Meers - oh, truly inspired. That was "water cooler" vengeance. Yes. Lloyd has a sketch of it on his wall.
(från “Selfless”, S07E05)

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